It is an ozone cleaner suitable for disinfection of specific goods, face masks, and even shoes or full grocery bags. We offer a fully automatic cleaner operated by microcomputer, that ensures fully enclosed cleaning cycle, including the following decay of used disinfectant gas O₃.
The box has a possibility to clean merely anything that can fit inside, if the lid can be securely closed. Then, the process starts with just a push of a button.
In principal, it is a fully automated device – insert an item, the cycle is on. When the cleaning process is finished, the device sets a gas decay cycle of generated O₃, with help of carbon filters, it begins the accelerated process of breaking down O₃ into standard O₂. After the signal sounds, it is safe to remove disinfected items and continue in cleaning other items. The device can be easily compared e.g. to a washing machine – dirty goes in, clean goes out.
cleaning work tools
The main function of the ozone generator is to disinfect and kill bacteria, corona viruses or mold, to eliminate formaldehyde, benzene, toluene, eliminate cigarette or animal odor etc. After application the ozone disintegrates, leaving no odor or residue, and all that is left is fresh air.
In principal, it is a fully automated device – insert an item, the cycle is on.
The box has a possibility to clean merely anything that can fit inside, if the lid can be securely closed. Then, the process starts with just a push of a button.